Stefan Petrella, CCIAOR Award
For Immediate Release
CAPE COD, MA – June 2022 – Starkweather & Shepley Insurance Brokerage Inc. (S&S), was honored by the Cape Cod & Islands Association of Realtors (CCIAOR), with the distinguished “Affinity Partner of the Year” award.
The “Affinity Partner of the Year” award highlights one partner of the association who demonstrates a commitment to the association as well as to the community it serves. Throughout the multi-year relationship with the CCIAOR, S&S has offered a member-benefit insurance program as well as insurance services to the association’s clientele. S&S has been an advocate for the community through its ongoing involvement with Cape Cod’s Housing Assistance Corporation, and through Martha’s Vineyard Community Service.
“We are honored to receive this award through the CCIAOR. The commitment they have to the industry and community aligns with our mission to serve our associates, clients, and community. We look forward to continuing to develop the relationship together and being of service to the Cape and Islands,” stated Stefan Petrella, Senior Vice President and Director of Business Development for S&S.
For information about the Cape Cod and Islands Association of Realtors (CCIAOR) visit: www.cciaor.com
About Starkweather & Shepley Insurance Brokerage, Inc.
Established in 1879, Starkweather & Shepley is presently the largest independent agency in Rhode Island and the 59th largest Insurance brokerage firm in the U.S., along with being a top 20 Best Places to Work in Insurance, mid-sized company, by Business Insurance. Starkweather & Shepley, held in Trust since 1935, ensures the firm will remain privately held in perpetuity, providing certainty to clients and associates alike. The firm provides commercial and personal insurance, health and employee benefits, surety bonding and risk management services. These services are provided nationally and internationally, through its partnership with Assurex Global. Headquartered in East Providence, RI, Starkweather has additional branch offices in Providence and Middletown, RI, Bristol, Pawcatuck and Shelton, CT; Westwood, Sturbridge, Sagamore Beach and Martha’s Vineyard, MA: Palm Beach Gardens and Naples, FL.