Take a Few Minutes to Properly Insure What You’ve Worked a Lifetime to Protect.

Be sure you are properly protected

The unique risk factors associated with dolls, miniatures and other collectibles demand a proprietary insurance solution, one not available in the standard marketplace.  More than ever, it is essential to partner with an insurance broker/carrier possessing the requisite knowledge and expertise to deliver covered outcomes consistently – when you need it most.  That’s why Starkweather & Shepley Insurance and the Hanover Insurance Group have teamed together to form an exclusive Collectibles Insurance Program – for enthusiasts precisely like yourself and with coverage designed explicitly for collections like yours.

Coverage Designed Expressly for Collections Like Yours

Through the Hanover Group, Starkweather & Shepley Insurance offers a broad array of comprehensive coverage options for individuals and dealers alike. Our exclusive policy includes the majority of these coverages up to the specific limits – at no additional cost to you.  In addition, many of these benchmark limits may be increased via endorsement to meet your specified needs.

Since 1972, Starkweather & Shepley has been competently assisting collectible enthusiasts across the United States. Today, in conjunction with the Hanover Group, we’ve assembled a team of professionals to underwrite, service, and provide “best-in-class” claims services – ready to serve all your collectible needs.

Combining innovative product design, competitive rates, loss control best practices, and solid financials and you get a Collectibles Insurance Program.

Then, Now & Always

Learning to Prevent Losses Saves Money

The mark of an exceptional insurance broker is their ability to assist in preventing a loss – before it happens. We communicate “best practices” ideas and practical loss control concepts to further minimize your risk – and positively impact your premium outlay, year after year.

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    Take a Few Minutes to Properly Insure What You’ve Worked a Lifetime to Protect. Be sure you are properly protected The unique risk factors associated with […]
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